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Our Programs

Forging the Next Generation of Leaders

Grandpa and Grandchild Having Fun

Seeds of Generations
Mentoring Program

Seeds of Generations Mentoring Program focuses on providing a supportive system for boys in the juvenile justice system, which includes AODA intervention and coaching services, employment and academic support, and guidance into adulthood. Community members (male) are assigned to boys with similar demographics. Mentors and mentees participate in community activities, field trips, and weekly mentor meetings. Seeds of Generations is an ongoing mentorship program for youth who are residents of the Peace of Mind Group Home. To qualify for the mentoring program, youth must be a resident of the group home.

Peace of Mind
Group Home

In a nurturing, home-like environment, youth receive trauma-informed care and wrap around support that focuses on their individual needs. Peace of Mind Group Home takes a holistic approach to caring for youth who are in trauma by addressing their basic/physical, emotional, academic, substance abuse support, and wellness needs. Youth experience a family environment that includes family style meals, community outings, academic support, employment readiness training, life classes, AODA and character development groups, and enrichment programs.

The group home is licensed for 8 boys, ages 13 through 17 years old. The home is located on the far Northside of Racine, WI. Referrals for Peace of Mind are only accepted through Wisconsin Counties and are sent by Wisconsin counties' social workers or their Human Service Departments.

Peace of Mind Group Home Logo.png

Family 2 Family
Parenting Curriculum

Family2Family is a comprehensive family development curriculum that focuses on the strengths of parenting, child/youth development, and family structure. This curriculum will explore with family members family resilience, the processes of fostering family resilience, how to use conceptual tools and techniques in laying foundations for all family members, and AODA substance abuse support and recovery coaching. Each at-risk family will be assigned to a mentoring family. The families will mirror each other such as ages of children culture significance. The families will meet weekly, for 12-weeks participating in family activities and discussions. The mentoring family will share their parenting styles/skills and best practices. Families may sign up by contacting Frazier Support Services via the contact form below or by calling 262.287.4933 for more information.


5802 Washington Avenue

Suite 204

Mount Pleasant, WI 53406




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© 2023 Frazier Support Services.

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